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A little jealousy in a relationship is healthy, it's always nice to know someone's afraid to lose you.. A whale ejaculates 90% of sperm into the female whale. Only 10% enters the female whale... and you wonder why the sea is salty.. Being in a relationship, with someone who actually cares about you & your feelings<3.. Call of Duty, replacing girlfriends since 2007.. Cant sorry. nan's got rugby training.. Cher Lloyd! ♥.. Congratulations, Formspring. You've just created the #1 bullying website.. Defeating the point of the number game by liking the status about you.. did you get home okay? - nah i got murdered.. DIRTY BIT!.. DON'T YOU TYPE AT ME IN THAT TONE OF VOICE!.. eating an orange at Apple. Well this is awkward.. Facebook needs "In a relationship with _______ while cheating with _______ and having sex with _________".. Feisty one you are.. £50, £100 or maybe even 150 POUNDS :D LOL jk, your getting £6 for that phone.. Guys who still carry bags, open doors, tell their girl that she's beautiful, and show respect ...REAL MAN!.. Hi HATER, you're just makin' me GREATER!.. hi im hard LOL jk im anonymous on formspring.. I am so talented I can fall up the stairs, trip on flat surfaces and get hit by parked cars.. "I hate this photo i'm so ugly" ..of course dear, that's why you uploaded it.. I have to practice for exam!! "opens study book" ...boring "closes study book" time to go on FACEBOOK! :D.. I think the England team should get soldiers wages...and our troops should get sixty grand a week.. I will not pay 20p to use the pentagon toilets.. I would like to be able to wake up to a text on christmas morning saying "i love you ♥".. I'd tap that LOL JK i wouldn't even poke it on facebook.. I'd tap that. Over the head. With a shovel.. If the glass on your iPhone cracked, you're dropping it the wrong way.. If the hole in a COD disk was any larger, boys wouldn't need girlfriends.. I'll catch a grenade for ya LOL jokes i'll just press R2 and throw it back ♥.. I'll share anything .......but not you! ;).. "I'm a ninja." *prove it.* "did you see that?" *see what?* "exactly...".. "I'm a ninja." *prove it.* "did you see that?" *see what?* "exactly...".. I'm not addicted to texting. I'm addicted to the person I'm texting.. Imagine being able to say "Matt Cardle?" .. "Yeah... He painted my living room."..

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